This is an open review and has at its core a determination to get all the good and bad news on the table. I will meet with all heads of function, their reporting managers and their team members.
My objective is to get a rapid understanding of all the issues, gaps, opportunities and challenges the business is facing. More importantly, it is to identify the potential for growth, change and improvement.
The questions I will be seeking to answer are:
- What is our status? An assessment of the firm’s current business condition in terms of its financial, commercial, operational and strategic performance
- What are the desired outcomes? An assessment of the objectives and goals of the business
- What resources do we have? An assessment of the human and tangible assets deployed in the business
- What resources do we need? An assessment of the gaps in skills, capabilities and funding that need addressing to enable the business to achieve its desired outcome
- What are the options available? An assessment of the strategy choices that will enable the business to achieve its objectives. Fundamentally, is there a pathway to success?
By the end of the review, I will understand the key issues. I will also have identified the people who are willing to lead and who are “up for” change. From there, we can move to Step 2.